One of the most important signs of puberty is a sexual feeling sexual desire (libido sexualis). Sexual feeling in women, develops gradually. In the sex that they are addicted need to distinguish two different components: the pursuit of mutual rapprochement and the pursuit of sexual intercourse. For women is especially developed by the first of them.
It is characteristic that can be developed completely independently, without having to go to another. It is the emotional relationship to the person of the other sex the doctor for a long time defined as "supreme love". Because of that feeling, a man becomes very near and dear. On the contrary, among men of special importance is the taste for sexual intercourse, which doctors define as the sensual part of love. This folder contains trying to get the specific feelings of pleasure that arise in the process of intimacy.
Therefore, if sexual attraction men primarily manifests itself with a sensual side, and only later (in the 21 to 25 years) in combination with the feeling of love to the beloved, then the girls with the availability of the composition to convergence, of course, no ambition sexual intercourse. It is the desire in them will only appear after several months of sexual married life, and it's often only after the first birth.
So in the structure of the sexual appetite of women leading article in all stages of life is love to the beloved. Sensual the same components, as usual, in young women after a certain period of time is not even after the beginning of sexual life, and only then it develops gradually.
Physiology of sexual intercourse in women

To better understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse in the female body, we offer to get acquainted with the anatomy of the female genital organs.
Sexual intercourse (coitus) is usually under the influence of sexual excitement (voluptas), the highest item, which is orgasm (orgasm), after this comes the period of calm (defluvium), coming after the end of sexual intercourse. Lack of sexual arousal in women is called frigidity. During sexual intercourse in men erect member spreads the vaginal walls and in the full implementation of the fills.
Introduction of the erect penis, easy ability to the vagina stretch significantly. Due to the onset of sexual excitement even before the introduction of the penis into the vagina, for men from the glands of Cooper is projected out sticky mystery that wets the head of the penis and makes her slippery. A substance generated by specific glands makes oily head that it also facilitates the introduction of her vagina.
The large and small lips laid a special fabric, surrounded by connective tissue. During sexual excitement poured with blood and the outflow where it stops, while the tide of her continues. In the result, there is swelling of the clitoris, large and small labia with the formation of elastic paint rollers. Thanks to these events access the vagina becomes free. At the same time the female prostate gland, small glands of the vestibule and the cervix emit a bright transparent mucus.
When the sexual act is not only celebrated when it no resistance, but, on the contrary, it is much easier, and friction are painless.
A woman is also involved in the process: in this the skin and mucous membrane of the penis rubs against the transverse folds of the vagina. At the same time there are involuntary rhythmic contractions of the walls of the vagina due to the activity of his sphincters. These pieces are very visible, just before the moment of the termination of swelling of the genital organs.
How is an orgasm in a woman?
In the processes for both the participants of the shag feeling of lust as a result of the excitation of nerve taurus, placed in the head of the penis, the women in the glans of the clitoris, at the entrance to the vagina, in the vulva and in the vagina. Irritation, which are perceived by these nerve endings are transferred to the spine, and then - in the brain. These irritations accumulate and grow stronger, until it reached such a level of excitement, which arises a number of new reflexes. The final article is throwing away the sperm in men (ejaculation) and the secretion of the glands of the cervix and the Bartolini glands in women. Ejaculation is accompanied by a sensual feeling - orgasm. The origin of the orgasm is definitely not found.
In women, for the emergence of orgasm, they need plenty of stimulation of the erogenous zones, but also mentally adult readiness for sexual intercourse. Unlike men, women have a rise time of orgasm much more slowly, and the time the attenuation is greater. Period of the same "peaks" of orgasm still long in both of them.
The intensity of the orgasm is sometimes very different and depends on the temperament and constitution of man. Orgasm can occur due to reduction in the excitability of the relevant departments of the visual Bugrov for the damage of a compartment or the inhibitory influence of the cerebral cortex in the result of psychogenic factors (indifference, resistance, etc.).
Worth mentioning and such an unusual and very strong I feel like an orgasm as the spray or jet orgasm. Its essence is in the fact that a woman commits with a liquid: a small fountain of clear liquid spots out of vagina during orgasm cuts. This fluid is formed in special glands, there is no need to confuse it with urine. To achieve a strong orgasm can a woman, if a man will propel the front wall of the vagina or G-spot.
How long does sexual intercourse with women?
Duration of normal sexual intercourse ranges from 2 to 6 minutes. But even here there is great importance to the character of the person. In length of sexual intercourse also affect the intervals between sexual relations. Prolonged sexual content and strong sexual excitement significantly reduce the duration of sexual intercourse.
Why sex with women no excitement?

One of the most difficult mental injury women can be frustrating in the middle man. Marrying with a man who woke up with her bright and high feelings, she finds out she's unexpectedly cynical view of his men on sexual life, in which she assigned the role of a simple instrument of joy.
This is the reason why it is particularly great importance has the ratio of male to female during sexual intercourse. Rudeness and faux pas, found her husband at the time of first sexual intercourse generate in women a negative reflex to sexual intercourse. And if these matters are not, make positive changes, then this reflex becomes morbid, causing later sexual coldness. The most careful should be the relationship to the young girl who haven't had sexual intercourse.
If still a virgin, then experiencing the fear before the first sexual relations. So one should consider what to even look for from the wife of the first sexual intercourse will definitely be in the "first night", and quietly wait a few days to be in the process of everyday communication for women completely went fear.
In connection with the girls, which he took, doctors should conduct interviews, explain to them that the loss of virginity is not a disaster, as it often is for some it seems. Hymen very rarely turns on. Basically it has a hole. If the shape of the hymen is such that sexual intercourse violates its integrity, then at the first sexual intercourse is toiling; it is noted a slight pain. Bleeding that occurs in these cases is negligible.
Injury during sex
Complications, and trauma during sexual intercourse can occur in both men and women. Sometimes in a woman during intercourse can be considerable damage to the genital tract. The rupture of the hymen depends on the degree of mechanical action. The results of this damage appear diverse: tears of the hymen, lacerations, and torn part of the hymen, mainly the rectal department.
These injuries arise as a result of the excavation and stretching during the introduction of the glans penis in the hole of the hymen. The edge of the hymen when this pushing in and due to stretching of the torn.
Breaks during sexual intercourse can occur in different places, but most often find themselves at number 6 (for the exact designation of the place of the break admitted conditionally display them with the choice of hours) or on the sides. When the tears of the hymen on the number 6 of the clock face, sometimes, when roughly carried out sexual intercourse, in addition to the hymen, torn posterior wall of the vagina, mainly the mucous membrane of the shell. When expressed by the degree of immaturity of the sexual sphere such damage can navigate in a complete rupture of the perineum, as well as the vaginal walls and vaults.
In infantile women, where is the result of underdevelopment of the genital organs, and in older and old - the result of atrophy and fragility of the tissues.
Should also be such complications, as spastic reduction in women, the vagina, thereby becomes so strong pinching member, the front part, and especially the crown, greatly enlarged, and the member can not pull out from the vagina. In these cases, a woman has to undergo anesthesia or to remove the pinching with the help of a warm bath.
Sometimes during sexual intercourse arise difficulties due to dryness of the mucous membrane of the vagina and in case of violation of secretion of glands of Cooper or of special glands. In these cases, dry mucosa prior to sexual intercourse it is recommended to moisten the using smearing the oily emulsion, ointment or saliva.
Rarely, but still happens, this is a catastrophic complications during sexual intercourse, as is death. Death in connection with the sexual contact occurs during or shortly after him more often in men than in women, the elderly, the sick, sclerosis of cerebral and coronary arteries, especially when preceded, overeating or alcohol abuse. Death may be the result of a stroke, heart attack, embolism, paralysis of the heart, and in tuberculosis - severe pulmonary hemorrhage.

In some cases, gynecologists, and forensic medicine to deal with complaints of people, in particular those that happens in families, the grand narrative of islam. At the latest after the first wedding night accuse their wives of deception in connection with a small amount or completely absent in the blood. In their opinion, this fact is a testament to the long standing violation of the hymen. However, the examination is in such cases almost always shows that people have been misled due to the presence in their wives, these forms of the hymen, which in its anatomical features allow sexual intercourse without disruption of the safe. If it is the hymen located very low, oozing of blood from the surface of the tears is negligible, or not at all.
The obstacles to sexual intercourse in women: vaginismus, infantilism of the genitals, expressed atrophic processes in them, the deformity of the development of external or internal genital organs (hymen, vagina), inflammatory processes, tumors, etc.